Welcome to the Little Tennessee Native Fish Conservation Area
Our Mission
To promote conservation and restoration of habitat in the Little Tennessee River Basin for the benefit of native fishes and other aquatic wildlife.
The Vision
The Little Tennessee River Basin is designated as a Native Fish Conservation Area. The aquatic resources of the Little Tennessee River and its tributaries are conserved and restored to the level that native fishes thrive as stable components of diverse ecological communities. Present and future citizens of the Basin benefit from clean water, outstanding outdoor recreation, and a stable economic base.
Core Values (how we work):
- We work to conserve and restore aquatic and terrestrial habitats within the Little Tennessee River Basin, benefiting native fish and other aquatic wildlife.
- We support educational and cooperative efforts that foster a strong ethic of stewardship so that citizens, decision makers, and land managers are aware of the values of the Basin’s aquatic biodiversity and consistently work to protect and enhance it.
- We build upon an active partnership comprising agencies, organizations and individuals, in order to achieve common goals.
- We communicate clearly and openly within the Native Fish Conservation Partnership and with other interested stakeholders.
Download our mission, vision, and core values here.
The Areas We Work:
Thank You for Stopping by, Please Feel Free to Take a Look Around or Reach Out
pictured: the 2022 Annual Spring Meeting. Members joined in person and virtually.